

Streambed is an open source event-first microservice toolkit for IoT services. It was developed by Cisco as a component of its eXtensible Decision Platform (xDP), which is an open platform for sensors and actuators. The xDP does not rely on potentially unreliable and expensive internet connections thereby permitting decision making at the “edge”.

Streambed applications can be orchestrated by Cisco IOx, and have data managed and routed by Cisco Kinetic. Streambed leverages proven approaches and open source technologies with strong communities. Success stories of companies adopting similar approaches and technologies include John Deere, GE, Bosch, 3D Robotics, HP, eero and Apple. The approaches and technologies should be familiar to you, even if you have not yet practiced with them in earnest.

This document is designed for developers who have an interest or are writing software with Streambed, and possibly deploy with xDP. For an introduction, you are encouraged to read the Architecture section. It will take about ten minutes to read and provide you with a useful insight into Streambed’s inner workings in the context of xDP at large.
