package identity
Utilities to integrate streambed identity with Akka HTTP identity such that we can support authentication and authorization via OAuth tokens. A Java example of an Akka HTTP route that verifies a token, and returning the corresponding given a valid one.
pathPrefix("api", () -> authenticateOAuth2Async("secured api", identityService::verifier, principal -> route(...
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- identity
- AnyRef
- Any
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- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- class ActorPrincipalProxy extends Actor with Stash with Timers
Manages short-lived ActorPrincipal instances, acting as a proxy between call site and the actual principal.
Manages short-lived ActorPrincipal instances, acting as a proxy between call site and the actual principal. When an ActorPrincipal has shutdown due to its TTL elapsing, the proxy can still reply to any requests with a Principal.Unauthenticated.
- final class UserIdentityService extends AnyRef
Provides HTTP services concerning user principal identity
Value Members
- object ActorPrincipalProxy
- object UserIdentityService